liminal space

my liminal space

I was introduced to the term “liminal space” recently.

“Liminal” is derived from the Latin word “limen”, which means “threshold”. Liminal space is a place of transition, it can be in architecture and from one physical location to the other, such as long empty corridors, staircases, carparks or uninhabited areas in a building etc., and it can also be a state of being.

encouraging the encourager, who God is

encouraging the encourager

After my last blog “fan into flame the gift of God: my journey in the interpretation and translation ministry“, the preacher whom I mentioned in it shared with me that, although she was the one who encouraged me years ago to spur me on my journey in the interpretation ministry, this time round it was…

do you feel the music?

We do not have a choir at our church nor do we have a huge team of worship leaders.  Apart from the musicians, I think there are only about 7 who actually sing and with their weekly rotations and a couple of them double up as musicians as well, we usually see just 4 –…

faith and focus

First, let me start by telling you a story about people walking on the sea… Matthew 14:22-32 22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later…

a portrait of life

It is said that life is a journey and I totally agree with it. Life is a journey packed with ups and downs, and highs and lows. Along the way there are smooth pathways where we get to enjoy the scenery at a relaxing pace or sometimes there are high speed motorways where we just…

God is good!

God is good… all the time! And all the time… God is good! I believe all Christians are familiar with the saying and will respond when someone says the first part of the sentences either in a Sunday service or some Christian conferences or events. It is a reminder to us all and also an…

fragrance that inspires

This is tonkin jasmine/cowslip creeper/telosma cordata/夜来香. These small flowers in clusters on vines are unassuming in appearance but they emit a strong yet amazingly delightful and truly exquisite fragrance, and I absolutely love them! Looking at these little fragrant yellow blooms, I am led to ponder on ourselves the Christians with reference to 2 Corinthians…

God’s masterpiece

Uncommon Women 非凡的女性 We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free. — Kavita Ramdas, the India country representative for the Ford Foundation, former President and CEO of…

am I ready?

Most of us had never expected that we would experience a 6.0-magnitude earthquake in Kota Kinabalu in our lifetime as our state Sabah is outside the Pacific Ring of Fire, unlike our neighbouring countries the Philippines and Indonesia. The tremour we felt in KK early morning on 5 June lasted for only about 15 seconds…