liminal space

my liminal space

I was introduced to the term “liminal space” recently.

“Liminal” is derived from the Latin word “limen”, which means “threshold”. Liminal space is a place of transition, it can be in architecture and from one physical location to the other, such as long empty corridors, staircases, carparks or uninhabited areas in a building etc., and it can also be a state of being.

in God's plans

in His plans

How sensitive are we to God’s timing? This question has been on my mind of late. I am not talking about the daily discipline where we pray and then we wait as we are reminded often to wait upon the Lord and not to fret. My reflection has been on…

encouraging the encourager, who God is

encouraging the encourager

After my last blog “fan into flame the gift of God: my journey in the interpretation and translation ministry“, the preacher whom I mentioned in it shared with me that, although she was the one who encouraged me years ago to spur me on my journey in the interpretation ministry, this time round it was…

fan into flame the gift of God, interpretation, interpretation ministry

fan into flame the gift of God: my journey in the interpretation and translation ministry

Interpreter: translates orallyTranslator: interprets written text After a year of living life differently, I am looking back at my one-year journey of serving in the bilingual (English and Chinese) interpretation ministry of our church. A ministry that I committed to after overcoming the initial apprehension and resistance. I am not new to the ministry as…